Siedziba w Tarnowskich Górach
42-600 Tarnowskie Góry
ul. Gliwicka 35

tel.  032/450-89-53



fax: wew. 22

tel.kom. 0 696-014-430

Filia w Bytomiu

ul. Strzelców Bytomskich 127 A

41-914 Bytom

tel./fax 032/787-80-10

tel.kom. 0 606-147-784


Depending on the actual needs of our clients and the cases entrusted in us we render legal services both on an hourly basis or provide permanent assistance Range of services offered by Jacek Sznajder Law Practice VIS LEGIS depends on the legal area and includes, among others:

In the area of civil law we prepare and assess civil contracts and business contracts, providing our Clients with advice as to optimum solutions from the point of view of securing their legal interests, first and foremost bearing in mind their business objectives. When developing solutions for our Clients, we make appropriate provisions for the specifics of the industry and the nature of their business.
We provide solutions that secure interests of our Clients by minimising any types of risks that could arise upon implementation of their contracts.
We also provide legal advice and represent our Clients at any issue combined with civil law and civil procedings amongs with inheritance law (acquisition of succession, rejection of inheritance), protection of property and possession, primary and derivative acquisition of propery (for example acquisitive prescription).

In the area of family and custody law we provide legal advice concerning matrimonial property rights system and legal advice in divorces, separation and severance of a jointure of spouses.
Our practice is also concentrated on advice in establishing custody and guardianship as well as legal assistance concerning relations with a child, adoption, paternity of a child and obligation to pay alimony.

In the area of company law and business transactions we provide legal assistance in founding commercial companies including registration in the National Court Registry and all actions that are compulsory.
We also provide complex services to management and supervisory boards, prepare documentation (contracts, regulations, articles of association) including legal advice on various issues and preparation of legal assessments. We also conduct annual meeting of shareholders and assembly of partners.
Our service also includes legal assistance with respect to mergers, division and transformation of companies. We also prepare, negotiate and assess share purchase and sales transactions.
We represent our Clinets in litigations between partnes/shareholders and in legal proceedings concerning appeal against company’s resolutions.

In the area of bankruptcy and reorganization law we provide legal advice and preparation of bankruptcy petitions and bankruptcy with a possibility to conclude an agreement.
To meet the needs of our Clients we provide representation on assembly of creditors and proceedings in bankrupcy and reorganization.

In the area of public procurement we provide legal services for enterpteneurs during the proceedings for public procurement contracts, as well as with respect to matters involving implementation of such contracts. We also provide advice to contracting authorities with respect to various aspects of tenders for public procurement contracts.
Our goal is to guarantee complex advice on preparation of bidding documentation. We assist our Clients in assessment of bids with respect to formal and legal requirements.
We prepare and asses consortium agreements with respect to awarding of public procurement contracts. We provide legal assistance in appeal and complaint proceedings.

In the area of legal aspects of property management our practice concentrates on providing
advice and legal representation concerning property management, including: rental issues, property rights protection, protection of interests and rights of managers, owners and occupiers,
Our vast experience in this matter is confirmed by experience gained during legal service provided for entities which manage communal resources, State Treasury companies and property managers and several dozen of housing cooperatives.

In the area of property turnover and developer activities law we offer legal assistance in property turnover, i.e. determination and analysis of the legal status of the property, analysis of contracts of sale, lease, use and tenancy. We also provide legal advice in due performance of activities by developer companies through preparation of appropriate contracts and obtaining permits required by law and within construction work contracts.

In the area of antitrust law and competition law we offer complex legal service in the subject of restriction competition, legal advice in legal proceedings concerning statutory bans on activities which restrain competition and unfair competition.

In the area of copyright law we quarantee legal advice and consultancy in copyright and it’s protection. Our practice is also concerned on preparation of and giving opinion on draft agreements concerning copyright and in the area of copyright transfer.

In the area of industrial property law we offer legal advice and representation in all aspects of industrial property law, including among others: patents, trademarks and industrial designs registration.

In the area of bank law we assure legal advice and preparation of letters concerning bank account, loan applications, bank guarantees confirmation and opening and maintenance of letters of credit, cheque and bill transactions.
Our practice is also concerned on legal advice and preparation of letters concerning granting and confirming guarantees as well as acquisition and sale of encumbrances.

In the area of finance law we provide legal advice in the area of public levy.

In the area of labour law we deal with advising in the area of all labour law, begining from employing people on various basis of employment (contract, appointment, choice, cooperative employment contract and civil and law contract) to termination of the contract.

We prepare contracts of employment, schedules of working time noting various systems of working time, work regulations, remuneration regulations and other regulations that are facultative.

We also represent our Clients in litigations concerning individual nad collective labour law.

In the area of administrative law we offer legal advice in the area of obtaining permits and licences connected with being in business.
We also assure legal advice concerning regulations of environment protection law, especially in the area of waste management and liability combined with it.

In the area of European and international law our practice is concerned around legal advice in the area of raising funds from European funds by individual people and business entities.
We specialize in preparation of contracts concluded with foreign companies, taking into account international law standards.

In the area of offence law our offer concerns on legal advice and defending our Clients in cases prosecuted as petty offence.

Siedziba w Tarnowskich Górach
42-600 Tarnowskie Góry
ul. Gliwicka 35

tel.   032/450-89-53



fax: wew. 22

tel.kom. 0 696-014-430

Filia w Bytomiu

ul. Strzelców Bytomskich 127 A

41-914 Bytom

tel./fax 032/787-80-10

tel.kom. 0 606-147-784