Siedziba w Tarnowskich Górach
42-600 Tarnowskie Góry
ul. Gliwicka 35

tel.  032/450-89-53



fax: wew. 22

tel.kom. 0 696-014-430

Filia w Bytomiu

ul. Strzelców Bytomskich 127 A

41-914 Bytom

tel./fax 032/787-80-10

tel.kom. 0 606-147-784



Jacek Sznajder Law Practice VIS LEGIS provides services both for domestic and foreign clients, offering – depending on clients needs – permanent legal services as well as assistance in particular undertakings. Aiming at ensuring our clients with complex services also in respect of taxation, we have established close cooperation with an accounting office.

The main goal of our practice is to ensure customers with safety on all legal planes so that actions taken by them achieve the intended effect.

Siedziba w Tarnowskich Górach
42-600 Tarnowskie Góry
ul. Gliwicka 35

tel.   032/450-89-53



fax: wew. 22

tel.kom. 0 696-014-430

Filia w Bytomiu

ul. Strzelców Bytomskich 127 A

41-914 Bytom

tel./fax 032/787-80-10

tel.kom. 0 606-147-784